Thursday, March 22, 2012

Creational Patterns - 5.Singleton Pattern

It's a costlier effort to create an object for the class as many times we need. There is a better way to handle such situations. We need to consider re-using the object once its got created.
Let us create an object and re-use it throughout the application wherever needed. Therefore, not more than a single instance of the class exists. This is called as a Singleton pattern.

In general, we create a self composed class with a closed constructor. So that, the instantiation can be customized with the help of a factory method.

Following class diagram shows a singleton class,

In the book class we made the constructor private and defined a static method getInstance().The object creation activity is delegated to the custom getInstance() method and the constructor is closed. As a result, we validate the object whether it already exists or not.
The getInstance() method will not create an instance if one already exists.

class Book{
private static Book book;
private Book() {
public static Book getInstance(){
book=new Book(); // Lazy Initialization
return book;

The above sample is based on Lazy Initialization pattern.

One simpler way to create the same singleton class without Lazy Initialization is given below,

class Book{
private static final Book book=new Book();
private Book() {
public static Book getInstance(){
return book;

We have one more approach to achieve a perfect singleton with the help of enum types.
Since the data members of the enum types are always constants,the method calls will be happening over a singleton object.

Following design will explain the concept clearly.

Here, Book is a enum type having a constant INSTANCE which can act as a singleton.
Using the singleton object INSTANCE, we can invoke the method getPrice() from the enum Book.

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